Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Heat, twisties and dial up

Hola...Buenas Tardes

We have been pulling hard since Ensenada with the goal of reaching mainland Mexico and Mazatlan by Saturday...

So far we overnighted in Ensenada, which after the Baja 500 left town was much like a ghost town. Then to the very small very quiet town of El Rosario last night.

Currently I am writing from a very hot internet cafe in El Rosalia...the Mar de Cortez within spitting distance. It has been an amazing few days of riding with the climate and landscape changing consistently as we head south. Today we departed Baja California North and entered Baja California South at Guerrero Negro.

I have much more to tell (more than just a listing of everywhere I have slept)and already have many pictures to upload but yo tengo mucho calor y mucho hambre...langostino tacos await...

Much more to come once I get out of Baja and into the heart of Mexico.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woot, langostino tacos ftw!

Seriously guys, bike hard, play hard, live each day to its fullest. Focus on the moment and have a blast.

Josh's pal, jpj.

6/08/2006 8:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOWW! Mexico,Tequila,boys n bikes! We have no doubts its going super for you both!! Enjoyyy...n come back home safe:) You are being missed @ 1914 GG!

6/09/2006 10:42 AM  

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